Ooh, look! A blog!
What, seriously?*
Yes, seriously. A blog. Covering things core and peripheral to my working life but not necessarily the official line or my actual responsibilities. Every so often, there may be gratuitous pictures of cats.
Uh, that's nice. But who are you anyway and why is your job at all interesting?
I work for SWITCH, the Swiss NREN (National Research and Education Network) and I'm full-time Activity Leader (a bit like being a project manager, but not) in an international collaborative project called GÉANT (aka GN3, this being the 3rd iteration). This is a fascinating, rollercoaster ride of a job that really fits my social and ethical outlook on the world, gives me the chance to meet some excellent and talented people and has a diverse range of technologies and services. It also holds some very tough challenges and that is at least one of the main reasons I do it.
And you think with all this, you'll have time to blog?
This blog is starting in the downtime before the main community conference of the year, TNC. A few paragraphs here and there to trigger interest, discussion and comment from my friends and colleagues inside and outside the community is worth it.
* As I don't have an audience yet, I'm talking to myself. Do not be alarmed - this is quite common.
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